A Simple Front-end Boilerplate
Start From Scratch a Simple Base
Simple Base is a basic set of starter HTML, CSS, and Javascript created specifically for building hand-coded 100% custom-designed bespoke static websites that are fast and accessible. It's simple, fully customizable, not too opinionated, and supports convenient features such as CSS custom properties (variables) and CSS nesting.
No Build Tools
No dependencies. No compiling. No headaches. Simple base is all about straight up vanilla HTML, CSS, & Javascript. All local. Designed to stand the test of time and never break. Say goodbye to errors. Forever.
Less Opinionated
Simple Base gives you just enough styling out-of-the-box to look good, yet be 100% fully customizable. To layout content, you'll need a grid. We give you one, along with a bunch of other helpful goodies.
Simple & Easy
Get started fast, by downloading a zip file, or cloning our repo, or following our step-by-step instructions to (re)code it from scratch. Simple Base is designed for front-end devs that want to understand every line of code.
Keep it Simple
Only the Bare Essentials
Simple Base aims to provide only the core ingredients that you need to build bespoke static websites, such as minimal base-level/global CSS styling (only a few common resets, a short set of helpful variables, minimalist typography settings, etc) and essential layout tools to build responsive websites (a container, a semantic 12 column grid system, a responsive off-screen menu)
A Solid Foundation
A Core Set of Building Blocks
Simple Base provides a solid base-level of code upon which front-end web developers and UI designers can build bespoke static websites, such as structural site components (e.g. site header, site footer, site nav, hero sections) and content components (buttons, type blocks, icons, icon lists, cards, block quotes, pricing tables, image galleries, carousels, etc.)
Performance First
Lighting Fast
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